I just hope that by then Dad's stopped trying to explode his own face and that he doesn't make Mummy sick in the mean time! A sick Mummy this close to my having kittens would be BAD! :(
Today Mummy's gone through her list of stuff to have ready for the kittens birth and/or just after it. Most of the stuff is now in a big bag on the table downstairs ready for Mummy to bring up here! She's also made a fleece cover for my new heating pad, a little washable mattress for the kittens so they can be comfy when she weighs them twice a day and a blanket to use as a backdrop for kitten photos... All I've done while watching Mummy be busy was lay on my back and show her my belly as it moved thanks to little paws pushing at me! ;)
Mummy also bought me some interesting looking new kitty litter that soaks up kitty pee totally and doesn't smell at all. She says it's non tracking too, so that's what I'll have in my upstairs little litter box when the kittens arrive. This will save me having to leave the kittens to go to the litter box, I'll even get my dinners served to me up here! I'm starting to think I'm getting better treatment than ladybeans get when they have people kittens... ;)
Having Dad home sick with Manflu has had one benefit, he found a lot of my little feather butt mice for me under the sofa! Plus I think he could be persuaded to get my zoom groom out and give me a good grooming if I ask him often enough, though I'd settle for him opening my bikky pot again too! ;) It seems Mummy finks there's a downside to my having lotsa feather butt mice again, I'm not sure why? I only wanted to show her 1 or 2 at 3am and play with them in bed between her legs so they didn't escape again! ;)
You are beautiful, Isis, and you are going to be a great momma-cat!
We hope your dad feels better soon and that your mom doesn't get sick. It sounds like your mom has everything ready for you! Non-trackable litter? That sounds wonderful to our humans.
You will makes a great mum for those kittens. Mommy Bean says us girl kittys are lucky when we's has kittens. I think its cuz she has 4 more months to go for her kitten to be born.
I hope your dad gets rid of that manflu soon so you and your mommy wont have those icky alien germs there when you's has the kittens. Oh and that he feels better too.
Downside to feather butt mousies? Can't think of what it might be!
I'm glad to hear they're all ready for the kittens. Any time your ready...
Only 2 weeks!! You must be very excited,I know I am.I can't wait to see tiny little kitties that look as pretty as you!
I hope your Dad gets better soon too and that your Mom does not get the flu :)
Take care of yourselg Little mama.
Purrs Mickey
I am sure you are going to do fantastic with your babies. It sounds like you are all set. I hope your male starts feeling better!
Yuck, manflu and exploding daddy faces! Dat don't sound fun at all. We can't wait to see yoor cute kitties, Isis, we know dey is gonna be beyootiful.
Oh, it is getting ever so close, Isis! How can you stand the wait?
I cannot believe the time is almost here! It sounds like you are all ready!
I am excited for you Isis.
I hope your dad gets better soon and that your mom does not get what he has.
Your mom could drink lots of tea!
How exciting! We can't wait for baby pictures!!
Oh its getting so close! I agree, I think you have everything so well prepared.
We're sorry your dad is sick. We hope your mom doesn't catch it.
You must be excited to be this close to the birth of your babies.
jans funny farm
You are very very beautiful and full of shiny~!!!!!!
I am sure your babies will be healthy and fine~!!!!!!!!!!
I sincerely hope your daddy gonna be ok~!
Oh Isis I can hardly wait! Your mom sounds like the perfect attendant. You're very lucky to have her. I hope your daddy feels better very soom.
You are going to be a wonderful mama cat, Isis. Thanks for dropping by and visiting us while our beans were away. Hope your beans are feeling better soon.
Come to our blog, we gave you an award!
Mindy & Moe
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