I've not gained any more weight this week, but Mummy says my waistline is looking more bulgy! Honestly Mummy yours would too iffen you had a belly full of kittens, especially as they're starting to move a bit now... Just nice gentle reassuring movements, nothing scary like in that movie Alien! ;)
Mummy says I can now count the days until my kittens are here on my paw pads, since Tuesday I've counted off the two dewclaws and am now starting to count off the toe pads of my back left paw - I've been checking the paw every few hours to make sure I still have the same number of toe pads on it! ;) On Monday next week I will start counting off the toe pads on my back right paw... By this time next week I'll be able to start on my left front paw, once I've counted that one off daily and am on my right front paw the kittens could come any time! :) Mummy has warned me that they could be a few days late even so not to get myself worried iffen they like it in the warmth for an extra day or two... ;) Anyway it's not long now! :)
Oh and last night Mummy came home with some new scales for weighing the kittens on! :) She has to weigh them straight after they are born and then twice a day every day for the first few weeks to make sure they're thriving and drinking up all their milk like good ickle kittens should! Once they're a few weeks old, Mummy will only have to weigh them every 2-3 days just to make sure they continue to grow nicely... Next week on "Tummy Tuesday" I'll be going through her list of things she will or might need for the kitten birth with her and seeing if she's remembered it all! Oh yes I'm keeping a close eye on everything from warming pads to kitten feeding bottles... It's surprising how much preparation is needed to make sure everything goes smoothly for me and the kittens, but it does mean that unless it's a real emergency I shouldn't need to see my Vet man, Hubert or even Sally Vet at out emergency vets! :)
Now I fink it's time for a nap before I start asking for my lunch... ;) Oh yes and I'm seeing someone else one of my kittens might own on Saturday morning! :) Plus Mummy'll be going to a cat show this weekend and might come home with treats and toys for us all!
Oh Isis!!! We are so excited and wait eagerly to see the arrival. Glad to see you are in great spirits and still eating plenty. :) Have you felt the need to start making a nest?
~Goldie and Shade
You are very beautiful, Isis! We can't wait to see what handsome kittens you'll have! A cat show sounds very exciting - hopefully your mom will bring lots of goodies home for you!
we can't wait to see those babies, we wants one, well mommie want one, but i want to be mommies one and only, i don't like to share my mommie
My bean has a really funny kitten story from when my Bean's Mom's cat Juliet had her kittens. It seems Julie decided only my Bean would do as midwife, so she waited until my Bean was at the house one night, laid down right in front of her and went into labor. They rushed her to the birthing box and everything was going along fine. The first one came out, no problem, but my Bean HAD to go use the litter box, she couldn't wait anymore. So she figured Julie would be okay with one kitten and one on the way for a minute or two but no...she came right after my Bean, with kitten number two starting to push out the back end. Oh my...
She ended up with three beautiful little kittens and all of them were healthy.
I hope your delivery goes as easy.
Wow! You and your person are certainly prepared for the kits!
Isis, you look lovely! I am getting so excited and I can hardly wait to see your babies.
You are quite the prepared mommy! Would you like to come see my ickle baby kittens? I have them on my blog today! ~Queen Snickers
Isis, you're looking lovely as always. But, my goodness dear, don't wear yourself out worrying about all those pre-kitten things!
My sweet little Isis...let me fluff up your pillow and rub your feet dear. here have a nice cuppa tea, I put extra creme in it for you too. I just love the photo graphic Zoolatry made for you and have it on my blog and will do a ickle kitten count down for you as you wishes. A proper lady in waiting must take her duty ernest!
Does your mom have a nice plastic box for your to birth in? Plastic is warm and easy to clean... I sleep in one so I know this. Right now I ma sleeping in a down vest:) hee hee I am so silly but warm. Here is a nice shrimp crumpet with yogurt before I go home again....take good care...
Love Miss Peach the royal lady in waiting!
Oah Isis~!
You are wonderful~!
I can't wait to see as well~!
You are very brave and so great~! I am purring and praying for you and your babies!
Isis, if we help you count, will the babies come quicker! We're very excited about seeing them!
I can nots wait to see your icke kittehs! I finks my sista Belle has a belly full too...cause GreatGrandma let her go outsides when she wasn't suppose to!!! ooooopssss!
Wow, I can't believe how fast the time is going, which is good because I'm longing to see your ickle babies:) xxx
Dearest little Isis! I just popped in to wish you well this week as I am off to Portland with my mommy and Lapdaddy this week.
I will adjust your counter when I return. Please take very good care of yourself while I am gone so I do not have to worry too much about you.
Much love from your lady in waiting Miss Peach
Did you receive those treats and toys from your mom? We hope she remembered. Isis, I can't wait until your babies show up. I just know that you'll be an awesome mother!
I am excited to see the kittens.
I hope your mommie picked out some wonderful treats and toys for all of you
Isis, it is getting more and more exciting! I can't wait to see your kittens . . . they will be gorgeous, just like their mum!
Isis, I just noticed the super cool tufties on your ears. I hope your little kittens all get their momma-cat's beautiful ear tufties!
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Gosh, Isis, I didn't know hafin kittens was so compilcated. How do the barn cats efur survive?
Don't neglect Ramses; he still needs you to clean him :-)
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