Proof that deer are vishus is here at last! See this sign of a deer attacking an innocent person in a car - please also note that the deer is pushing the car off the road! Oh yes these deer are stronger and more vishus that any kitty thought it seems! Though as a few brave kitties have pointed out in the past they also taste very good, especially with lots of good gravy added... Well I'm pregnant at the moment and will eat anything that's not nailed down! ;)

I'd also like to thank my lovely Lady in Waiting
Miss Peach for giving me this wonderful award! :) It seems even a ladycat of Miss Peach's age and fine education can learn a little something interesting about making ickle baby kittens from a young queen like myself! :) I'm so proud of this award I'm practially glowing with pride!
OMC! Look at the horns on that vishus deer!!!!!!
Thank goodness they have warning signs!
My goodness they need some vishus deer repelent!
Agh! Dem deer is really vishus. Hi Isis, we can't wait to see yoor babies, we just know dey is gonna be furry, furry cute. Like der momma.
PS Zippy and Sadie are thrilled about yoor tea party, I'm not...I don't want dem to gossip about me!
we finks the glow is cause you is gonna has kittehs!
Wow, that's a very scary sign. But we both think that vishus deer taste delicious!
Congratulations on your award, Isis! :)
Hmmm, mum remembers seeing a road sign about badgers when she last visited your area of the world.
She didn't have a chance to get her camera out in time to get a picture. But we love the vishus deer picture. The deers do that here too, at least they run into and in front of cars.
Congratulations on your award!!! That deer looks REALLY vishus!
Thanks for the warning. I'm not allowed outdoors so I don't think I'll have to worry. Ahhhhh, Cookie and Sophie wanted to go to your tea party. What if those deers crash the party? Will my girls be safe? Isis, I pray that they will. I'm leaving them in your hands. I assume you'll have the proper security if needed.
This sign is very caring and sweet, I love it!!
Oh yes we're safe from deer here, iffen once turned up at the party Tigmut'hep says he'd eat it all up! Though I bet Dragonheart and Merlin would be happy to help! ;) Mummy says we're too far away from the countryside here to have to worry though, so it looks like those boys are out of luck... The only deer here is in the freezer! Oops maybe I shouldn't have mentioned that, I hope that those boys don't go raiding the freezer now?!
That Vishus Deer is HUGE!
I was worried about the fox here but now the deer warning too. Wow, as big as a car.
Isis, I think I may come out for your party tomorrow. I need some ladycat company. You know what it is like, living with these boys, um, I mean mancats.
Oh, how horrible! I didn't know that vishus deers attacked CARS! Oh, I hope my mommy is safe.
Isis, congratulations on your award! You are going to be a wonderful mum to those kits. Purrs!
its too bad my momma doesn't have photo editing abilities...sigh, we could plaster our pictures into all sorts os excitting places and we could pretend that we was in paris eating snails for valentines day!
Eeep I may need to get some repellent for momma she drives a lot! We can't wait for your tea party tomorrow!!
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