Be good and soon I'll be your Mummy! :)
Well other than finking of my ickle baby kittens in my ever growing belly today, I've been finking of that cute mancat Napoleon and where he might be taking me for our Valentines Day dinner in a bit... Well I've got my priorities at the moment! ;) I was finking an all you can eat buffet would be nice, though right now would probably settle for the drive through at KFC iffen he got me a huge family feast bucket full of chicken... :) Right now I'll settle for quantity over quality in the food department iffen I have to! ;) Oh well better go and demand a grooming so my furs are all purrty for Napoleon...
Happy Valentine's Day to you and the little kittens growing in your tummy, Isis! Have a wonderful dinner!
Oh my sweet little Isis! HAPPY VALENTINES DAY to you and all the ickle kittens!
We had a wonderful day together this week at your tea party. Everything went just as planned.
Make sure Napoleon takes you to an all you can eat buffett tonight!!
Love Miss Peach
Happy Valentine's Day, Isis!
Happy Valentine's Day to you and your Kitten's Isis!
Happy Valentine's Day Isis!
Oh my darling Isis, I will do a special post in about 5 minutes on my bloggie...it will tell abouts our romanticat date for balentines dinner.
Happy Valentines Day Isis and all the soon to be kittens! Have a wonderful dinner and nap!
Thank you for putting up with all us Mancats in the other room this weekend. It was a great get together and we are so happy for you.
Happy Valentine's day to you Isis~!
I am sure your babies gonna all fine!
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