So this morning my Bowl was filled up with this superb food, though sadly it didn't remain full for long! ;) It seems we all like this food, but I got the biggest share - mostly because I decided to sit on one bowl of it, while eating from my own... Oh yes I'm one smart cookie when I'm hungry, so the boys had to share from the 3rd bowl as I stuffed my face full of yummy goodness and then got to the bowl I'd been hiding under my rear end! I managed to eat my way through nearly half of that one before the boys caught on that there was more food left over - by which time I was pretty well stuffed anyway! ;)
Mummy's cooking paella tonight with squid, shrimps, chicken and Spanish sausage in it! So the kitchen is going to get mighty crowded as we all vie for the leftovers... Though I hear that Mummy's taken this into account and will be cooking us one kitty paella of our very own! :) If it turns out as well as her home cooked food normally does I'll get her to write down the recipe for me to post here for you all... So you see I'm having a really Super Bowl Sunday here in the UK! :)
I am glad you have the most delicious yummy treats~~~~ You gonna eat many many~~~~
Thanks for the review, Isis. :) We've seen Applaws in the stores here, but haven't tried any yet, due to my food allergies, and Merlin's kittenhood.
And yes, Merlin is growing very fast! It's amazing how much he's grown since he joined our family just over a month ago!
Kitty paella? Nom, nom, nom, nom, nom...
That sounds so luscious!
wow that paella sounds divine! I dare say my human may try the recipe once it is posted and I hasten to predict that she will likely ruin it!
I like the idea of sitting on one bowl and eating from the other. Excellent plan! x
You're very clever to sit on one bowl while eating from another, heh heh. The paella sounds yummy, hope you all enjoyed it:) xxx
You are one smart kitty in the how to hog the food dishes dept. Good job.
jans funny farm
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