The kittens are very active at present and my belly has been expanding yet further, much to the delight of my brother Ramses and our housemate Tigmut'hep! Honestly Mancats can be such a pain at times... *humph!* For a start I hear Ramses is planning on catching the Stork when he comes to deliver my kittens, he keeps on about how much meat is on a Stork and how many mancats a single Stork could feed... At least he's promised me a good big of Stork iffen he catches it! :)
Tigmut'hep on the other hand is just making fun of my size and ever increasing appetite! He keeps referring to me as Miss Piggy for a start, but it's what he's done to one of my photos that has me most cross with him... Never fear he's in for a good "bop" as soon as I've had a snooze

Other than that everything is great here and Mummy and Dad have my kittening box in there room with food, water and litter facilities on hand for me too! :) I made the most of sleeping with Mummy and Dad last night and snuggles against Mummy's feet all night, it was lovely and warm... :)
Oh Isis Sweetheart,
Your big tummy is beautiful. I am so excited for you. Keep heathly,
Hi Isis :) You are looking so good. I hope all goes well. My sweet Miss Peach will do a great job helping you.You could not have a better cat with you at this time!
Purrs & Headbutts to you,Mickey
Isis I'm SOOOOO excited for you!! Your tummy is just gorgeous. It must be amazing to feel life inside of you like that.
Wow, Isis! You look furry sleek, but big, too. In a good, motherly way! We'll save sum stork fur you.
You are glowing and you look wonderful. I am excited and happy for you Isis!!
You look soooo ready to have those kittens Isis. I think you will be so happy to have them outside once you go through labor.
Seeing your tummy filled with little babycats is so amazing! It's almost time, it's almost time!
oh my Isis! What a magnificent tummy! I can't wait to see the baby kittens, really. and as for Ramses catching the stork - well - maybe he could share some of the good meat with me?? xxx
Oh my . . . just look at your tummy, Isis! It won't be long now. Your furs are so sleek and shiny! Purrrs.
Hello Isis - we are friends of Miss Peach, and are anxiously awaiting your babies. Sinda is 17 & Neelix is 12, so it's been a long time since there were kittens in our house.
You look very healthy and sleek, but I'll bet like any expectant mommy you're ready to have those babies "out-a-there" :-) Best wishes to you!
T, and all our critters.
oh wowie take a gander at that belleh!! You is abouts to pop!!!
I bets you isn't gonna make it till Monday, I am guessin this friday! Efher that or you is gonna have a whole herd of bebbehs.
Awwwwwwww!! (*squee*) Look at your lovely sweet tummy, full of precious kittens! I am so excited for you, sweet dear!
I am so glad that precious Miss Peach will be by your side!
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.
Speedy took one look at yoor pregnant tummy and started running around and saying baby kitties, baby kitties over and over. He really likes baby kitties, he actually helped a momma cat have her kittens here last summer. He's a sooper nanny too. Yoor lucky to haf Miss Peach wif yoo fur da birth. We can't wait!
You have a reverse hourglass figure. Wider in the middle. Can't wait to see those cute little kitties.
Dearest Isis~~~
I am glad you are doing fine~ I am praying and purring for you that everything gonna be ok!!
You look lovely, Isis. Don't let the boys' attitudes get you down. Think "babies"!!!
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