The kittens have started to watch me have my main meals, so they start to learn that kitten cannot live by milk alone... They seem to enjoy watching me tuck into my

Other than that the kittens have been watching a lot of movies on the TV over the Easter long weekend. They're pretty fond of being cuddled and it's nice as it means I can have a good nap and not worry about them for a bit... I trust Mummy to keep an eye on them for me, plus Ramses seems to stand guard too! He's turning out to be a big help all in all... I knew he was a good brother from the first time I met him, but I never knew he was this good! :) Tigmut'hep is slowly becoming less grumpy about the kittens, I think this has something to do with Mummy's new slippers - you see Tigs has unnatural feelings for Mummy's slippers and was devastated that she'd thrown the black suede ones out until he found the new ones with the furry lining! ;)

Your kittens are adorable, Isis! You are such a good mommy. :) They look so sweet, and we really like the photo of them around you while you are eating. It is great that Ramses is such a wonderful uncle to your babies. They are getting so big!
Look at those cute little babyfaces! Isis, I think you will get a little relief when the babies can start eating some solid foods. You must be exhausted!
You look sweet Isis, motherhood must really suit you. Your babies are precious and growing so well!
Are you eating off of a silver plate? Holy crap, how did you pull that off? Do you have a sugar kitty Daddy we don't know about?
Isis, your kits are adorable! What sweeties. Be sure to whap them if they try and eat your food. It's also good to teach them that all toys are yours--be sure to steal their catnip mice when they start to play.
They are fury adorable Isis. I know that soon you will have to fight them off when you tuck into your breakfast. But don't worry, they'll get the food all over them and you'll get to eat when you give them a bath...
What cutie pies! What Diamond said is true! My little ones turned into the gobbling horde when they went on solids! They tried to take food from each other and me! Kids! They do make a big mess and you get the privileged of cleaning up. ;) ~Queen Snickers
Oh my goodness, Isis! They are so adorable. You're obviously doing a marvelous Mommy job!
Awwww they are sooo adorable
Hi kittens!!!! *waves*
What sweet little babies they are :) I am happy you are enjoying motherhood and are getting some help.You have nice brothers . Enjoy your rest time.
Purrs Mickey
Such cuties, just like their mum.
You are doing wonderful jobs, Isis~! Look at your babies, all healthy and look all shiny~!!
That is the symbol of great~!!!!!
I am so proud of you!!
Hehehehe . . . you said titty . . . .hehehe!
Oh, Isis! SQUEE! Your little babies are precious, and what a beautiful and loving and wonderful Mommy you are. How exciting that the babies are starting to become interested in solid food! They are so beautiful, and you must be so proud. *smile*
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!
Dear little Isis...what a beautiful family you have gotten for yourself and Dan. Bravo both of you. Ramses is such a nice helper with the babies. Before you know it, they will be gobbling down the foods and chasing each other down the halls. That is when the real work of a mother begins. Keeping the peach about the household. hahaha did you see that I wrote peach back there? I meant peace...good night sweet pea.
Love your Miss Peach who is soooo very proud of you!
Such lovely, healthy happy kittens! We visit yur pictors of them just to smile.
Tig + slippers = TMI! :-)
I like your Voki Isis :) I guess you really love dairy don't you ;)
Purrs Mickey
cute cute cute! look at those little faces. wait until they are all covered with stinky goodness. cute!
We is so jealous as we isn't having no kittehs yet. :( They is still hiding inside Belle!
Yours are too cute!!!
Your kits are so cute Isis! Mommy Bean wishes she was close enough to cuddle withs them.
I has a wish for you on my blog, come see!
Isis, they are absolutely precious!!!
They are are cute! Almost as cute as baby bunlets. I don't think my Evil Stepsisters were every this cute!
You have really got wonderful kittens, Isis!
Ohhh....the cuteness of the kitties!!! Are you a tired Mommy? Beautiful!
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