Well we made sure there were no repeats of yesterday's abysmal behaviour by waking Mummy up at 6:16am today! The kittens were most cooperative and climbed onto the bed and started to run riot all over it, until both Mummy and Dad were wide awake... :) We all therefore got a good cuddling before breakfast was due and there's little better to start the day off right than a good cuddle and a full tummy!

Following their breakfast the kittens fell back to sleep, leaving me a chance to play with the lovely ying yang scratcher that D'boy made for me! :) Ramses loves it too, as do all the kittens... Last night Delta wrapped her paws around it and tried to climb it like a coconut tree! ;) This made all the beans giggle and I must admit it did look pretty funny...
Anyway I shall take advantage of the

kittens having a nap and it not being a mealtime for at least 1 more hour and have a nap myself! The door to the cat run is open and it's cool but sunny outside so I think I may well be able to find myself a sunny patch in the fresh air for it... :)
Some days life is just so darn good! :)
Isis, your kits mades Mommy Bean go "Awwwwwwwwww"! I has to admit, they are very very cute and looks so much likes you.
That's a fabulous scratching post, Isis! :) Your kittens are so adorable. :) Such beautiful little babies. :)
aww, Isis you is the bestest momma even if them kits is from you secret other lovetoy. ;)
Great scratching post! I just have the couch!
Your babes are so sweet!
purrs Goldie
I don't think there's anything cuter than a group of sleeping kitties. Especially when they are as beautiful as yours.
Oh my gosh. I know you are so busy over there with these kits. Goodness
what cuties all of them!
Your babies are just darling Isis! You aby's have the most beautiful coats, too!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
Your kits are soooo adorable, Isis! Look at how cute they are all snuggled up together!
Hi Isis, your kitties are looking so lovely and cute. I mean,really cute ;)
That yingYang post that D'Boy made is awesome! It looks soft and fun to have! I can see why you like it! I agree, life is good :)
Purrs Mickey
Thats a fabulous scratching post! I'm sure all the kittens will love it too!
HEhehehehe! You said "titty"!
Isis: Such sweet babies! Your new scratching post is so great!
Hi babies! You're awfully cute!
I love that cat tree, also ...
Thank you so much for coming to our blogoversary party and celebrate with us! It wouldn't have been as much fun without you - and we hope you had a great time too and not too much of a hang-over, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!
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