What can I say, but my son Django is a clumsy oaf! He first of all fell into the water bowl last night and in getting out of that stumbled into the food bowl and covered himself in stinky goodness... Well seeing as Mummy's not that fond of the smell of stinky goodness, coupled with the fact that I didn't fancy Tigmut'hep thinking he was a kitten shaped movable snack and was in fact dripping wet already, Mummy decided it best to give the little stinker a bath! While this is not something many cats or kittens appreciate, Django did well and has come out smelling way better at the other end of the process, even if he did have to spend a lot of the evening wrapped in a towel, being cuddled and dried off... ;)
This morning D'boy was running late for school, so the kittens got to go for a ride in the luxury carrier with me and Mummy! They were all very good and didn't do anything icky or antisocial other than mug me for some extra milk! ;)
Late Breaking News!!!!
My older sister Noodle has had 5 lovely ickle baby kittens this morning! Three little boys the same colour as mine, a little girl that colour too and one Blue Aby girl as well, with furs just like our Mum Candytuft has! :) I'm very proud of my sister Noodle and their Dad Frodo - this is his first litter of kittens, so it's all new to him! ;)
Django sounds alot like my brother Griffin who was about just as young when he moved into MY home. Glad the car ride went well, I'm sure everyone at the V-E-T was under the charm of your gorgeous kittens.
Purrrs, Tamra
Kits get into everything you know.
Kittens are such little clowns! I love the baby blue eyes.
What a sweet little darling even though he was kind of bad. I bet the car ride was good for the kittens.
Oh gosh, that is clumsy!
Kittens are quite silly. They are a lot of work. Your maid, er.. mom must be exhausted!
Thats done it, the beans here all let out that "Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww" noise cuz of kits. lol
Django sure knows how to gets lots of extra attentions. Perhaps Tig has taught him a few things?
I know exactly what you means about babies, hehehe~!!!!
wow isis, this means you is a momma and an auntie all in the same season! Thems some cute kittens, not as cute as yours of course ;)
Maybe I need a bath if I thought I'd come out lookin' as cute as he does!
Congrats to your sister! Kittens galore!
Isis dear, your kittens are so cute and look how big they are now!
Your friend
you know you kitties are adorable - your children are just beautiful! Stunning blue eyes.
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