I mean look at the size of my ickle baby Delta! She's huge and that photo was taken a week ago... She's now even bigger and so fast on her paws that she's become a bit of a challenge for Mummy to take photos of, though she has promised to get the camera out today so that there are new photos for "Family Friday" :) She's pretty good as far as Mummy's go I guess... ;)
Last night the kittens discovered chewy cat treat sticks... You see I love these yummy meaty treats and Mummy was a little fed up of Django chewing on her fingers and making them sore with his little fangs! So she thought he might like to chew at one of these for a bit and then I could have it to eat once he'd got over his fit of the bitey... Oh silly Mummy she should have remembered why we all call Django, "Django Feed" 'cause he scoffed nearly half of one of these sticks before Mummy could get it off of him! Next Delta had a go at it and decided she liked it lots too, then came Dizzy and Dandy who also came back with the same verdict - these are a good thing for a kitten to put the bitey on and they taste better than finger and scream a LOT less! ;) Oh well at least Mummy made sure I got two of these after the kittens were satisfied... I just worry that there'll be a shortage of them here now that the kittens know about them! ;)
Last night the kittens discovered chewy cat treat sticks... You see I love these yummy meaty treats and Mummy was a little fed up of Django chewing on her fingers and making them sore with his little fangs! So she thought he might like to chew at one of these for a bit and then I could have it to eat once he'd got over his fit of the bitey... Oh silly Mummy she should have remembered why we all call Django, "Django Feed" 'cause he scoffed nearly half of one of these sticks before Mummy could get it off of him! Next Delta had a go at it and decided she liked it lots too, then came Dizzy and Dandy who also came back with the same verdict - these are a good thing for a kitten to put the bitey on and they taste better than finger and scream a LOT less! ;) Oh well at least Mummy made sure I got two of these after the kittens were satisfied... I just worry that there'll be a shortage of them here now that the kittens know about them! ;)
Oh dear....Mommy is SQEEING.....She really wants your baby. Better hide that Peach! She is BEAUTIFUL!!!!! Can she come over and play!!!!!!!
Peach looks justs likes her Mum does! I bet you's were just as cute when you were that littles.
Personally I thought I allowed my humans to hang out with my kits so that the kits could feed on them (the humans) and chew on them.
She's a lovely little girl Isis.
Delta Peach is absolutely GORGEOUS! She's going to be a true heartbreaker when she grows up, I can tell.
Those chewy sticks sound very delicious. Happy one-month birthday to the babies!
Happy 1 Month Birthday kittens! You are all too cute! You're all very clever to discover treatys so young! Obviously, you are all exceptionally intelligent!
oooooooo She is sooooo cute!!!
Delta Peach is so adorable! :) What a sweet, beautiful little lady. :) You have beautiful kittens, Isis. :)
Those chewy sticks sound yummy! We're glad you got some after the kittens sampled them!
Oah My GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So so so adorable!!!!!
I am sqeeing, too!!!!!!
Dearest Isis! Can it really be one month that the kittens have been here with you?! They are growing so nice and you are such a beautiful proud mommy. Miss Delta Peach has a very confident look about her. She will go far in life I am sure.
Uncle Ramses is such a good caretaker of the boys too! He will teach them well in the ways of mancathood. Maybe you might want to come over for a cup of tea and watch a final installment of the MOUSEHOLE CAT with me?
Love your friend Miss Peach
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