Oh yes my kittens are at that stage now! I can't keep them out of stuff and they are constantly tormenting my poor brother Ramses so make him play with them (which luckily most of the time he does) and Tigmut'hep who most of the time runs for cover while uttering curses and other bad kitty words...

Just see for yourself what they do to poor Ramses... I guess I'm going to have to be very good to him when the kittens leave home! ;) Though I'm starting to think he'd be utterly lost without them to brighten his day, I think he'll appreciate a little peace and quiet... As I think will I, because at present they won't take no for an answer when it comes to milk rations, the little horrors mug me for it! Laying i

n wait for when I have a mouthful of bikky and latching on fast and sucking like a daemon possessed until I manage to get myself free from their clutches! ;) I mean look at the manic expression on Dizzy's face as he plays a very rough game of "bop" with his brother Django... These are some very determined kittens and currently they're determined to get more milk out of me than I'm willing to give! After all they're having 4 meals a day, plus all the bikky they can eat, but they're still after my milky goodness... ;)

They're visiting Hubert my vet tomorrow for their shots, so Mummy'll be making sure they have another pawdicure tonight so that they leave Hubert with all his fingers intact! ;) He's such a nice vet and gives me lots of cuddles and tells me how very beautiful I am you see, so he can keep his fingers... I'm sure he's going to tell me what a wonderful Momma I am and that I'm the best looking Queen he's ever laid eyes on tomorrow! If not I shall apply a good case of the bitey to his fingers and remind him myself... :)
Oh Isis ,your kitties are growing so fast!! I can imagine poor Ramses getting more exercise than he wants,heehee
All that activity really works up an appetite too!!
Give them all a kiss for me :)
Purrs Mickey
Isis, your kittens are growing up so quickly! They are so cute and adorable! That one close-up is priceless! Ramses is such a good uncle, letting them play with him like that. :)
Whoa, your kits are getting so big! It's hard to believe thats its been that long since theys were borned.
Good job Isis on making some wonderful kittys!
Peeeeee ssssss: My FLUTD symptoms are relieved. I can potty now withouts blood or straining AND Mommy Bean says I have been more active and my furs are glamourous agains! Thank you's for the info on that aweful problem I has! :)
So beautiful!! Oh, we knew the day they will leave was coming. They grow so very fast, don't they?
At that size they must be just about sucking you dry!! I can't believe how sweet yet HUGE your babies are. We're all going to miss them when they go to their forever homes.
Oh my goodness, the babies are getting so big! It's no wonder they drink so much milk.
oh man that last picture is a classic...at least Momma says it is!
they beautiful and healthy kittens too Isis. WHat gorgeous babies just like their Momma ~the Fluffy Tribe
That is a funny shot of Ramses! He is a great wraslin' teacher!
Oah My God.....
Poor Ramses, look at his expression, looks pain and not happy, Oah dear~~~~~
I want to save him!!!
Your babies are getting bigger, sometimes too many babies will drive adult crazy for sure, hehehehe~~~~~ Well, just sometimes, Poor Ramses!!!
Isis, your kitties are so big and beautiful!
Who is the closeup of?? Do the kitties have homes?
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