Well it seems I'z been making other kitties think! Probably about gorgeous Mancats, ickle baby kittens and pregnancy... I'z got a bit of a one tracked mind it seems! ;) Though I'z must say in recent days my food bowl has been seeming much more attractive to me than normal and I'z find myself wanting to curl up with Mummy and sleep all night, rather than run round the house and climb the furniture like a monkey half the night... I'z not quite sure why this is, maybe my becoming royalty has instilled me with a new set of values and interests? Maybe turning 1 yr old a few weeks ago has caused me to mature and calm down? Though I'z convinced that it's just a faze and I'll be back to mad monkey mode again in no time! Oh well we'll see... ;)

So before I'z forget what I'z doin' again, I'd like to thank Mindy and Moe at
Team Tabby very much for my lovely award! :)
Here are the rules for the Thinking Blogger award:
1. You must write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think.
2. Acknowledge this post.
3. Optional: Proudly display the 'Thinking Blogger Award' with a
link to the post that you wrote.
4. Go tell your humans to fork over the treats! - *This one's really important!*
I'd like to pass this award on to the following kitties:
Starbuck & Torrey - for making me think of food again!
Monkee - for making me think of napping again!
Miss Peach - for making me think yet more about napping!
Miles & Sammy at Meezer Tails - they always make me think of ham!
Luxor - for reminding me that life isn't all eating and napping, it's important to take the time to "bop" one's brother around the head from time to time! ;)