Mummy thinks that Thrush therapy is probably good for him, as all this thinking about birdies is bound to help perk up his appetite and therefore help him gain back the weight he's lost. Mummy says she thinks he's finally on the mend though so we are all greatly relieved at that and just hope he doesn't suffer any more setbacks on his road back to full health... He really is a lovely brother, so I'm purring lots for him that's for sure! :)
Enjoy watching Thrushy!!
Poor Ramses. We are sending purrrayers that he will have a full, quick recovery.
Yes, thrush therapy is probably just the thing for Ramses. Poor boy! We are all purring and crossing our paws that he is all better soon. He is too sweet to be sick!
Tama-Chan and Sei-Chan (and a little woof from Tommy)
watching Thrushy sounds like fun! we hopes that it helps Ramses - we is purring hard for him to get all better
That's an awesome view! We are purring and purraying for Ramses. We hope he gets well soon.
Ramses, please please get better. I think you should always have to watch your thrush and eat whatever you want. Purrs.
I is so gwad Wamses is getting better and better!
That sure is some fun entertainment! We hope Ramses is feeling better real soon!
Such a lovely outside area to watch for birdies. Purrs for Ramsey that he get all better.
This is good therapy for any kitty. Trouble used to sit and watch the birds and chatter for hours on end.
Birdies are such fun things to watch! Looks like you are all having fun with him.
We hope that Ramses gets better soon - bad tummy troubles are no fun!
Charlemagne and Tamar
Thanks for coming to my party!
Just THINKIN' about that wee birdin' hoppin' aboot your garden makes all my catly juices flow; it's bound to do the same for Ramses. We all need a Thrushy!
Birdie watchin' the best therapy of all!
Moe, Mindy, Bono, Cookie & Mike
What a wonderful blog and wonderful abyssinians!:) I am also a abyssinian breeder!:) I hope that is ok that I want to follow your blog!:) Have a nice day!:)
You all have such a beautiful view to keep your eye on the birdies. Thrush therapy is probably just the thing for some of you. Thanks for the share. Have a fantastic rest of your week.
World of Animals
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