Monday, 9 February 2009

Mummycat Monday...

Ok, so for my finally Mummycat Monday before the kittens are due to arrive, I've caved into popular demand and let Mummy take a photo of my belly with just a week left to go until my kittens arrive! I hope you all enjoy this pose as much as I am currently doing... It sure takes the weight off of your belly resting this way up, as does finding a nicely placed pillow to rest your front half on while your big huge preggy belly rests on your Mummy's bed! I must say I hope that Marie's Mom's found out about these positions too... Her baby girl is due just 5 days after my kittens due date, so she too much be feeling the weight thing by now, though Mummy assurs me that she didn't feel the need to lay on her back on the stairs when she was expecting D'Boy! ;)


Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

That's a wonderful belly shot, Isis, and we can't wait to see what comes out of it! We will be keeping all paws crossed at this end, and hoping you get less nasty weather soon!

Your Friends,
Tom and Tama-Chan

Gemini and Ichiro said...

You look very comfy... I am going to stalk off now as the Woman looked at me and said are you sure you were spayed?

The Misadventures Of Me said...

Oooo Isis you have made my mom ladys day! I must say, you are a beautiful lady cat.

~ Trooder ~

The mom lady said I can use TT's sign in for today.

The Meezers or Billy said...

that's a great belly shot! we can't wait to meet your kittens

Daisy said...

Isis, you look beautiful! I think being in the "family way" agrees with you.

The Wanderer said...

I certainly hope you don't have ot have as many babies as Monkey did! I'll tell you, she was EXHAUSTED by the time the last one arrived. She needed a little help at the end. And she is still all tuckered out but she is being a great mom just like you will be! She hears me pick up one of the little furry aliens and she comes right quick to make sure I am being just gentle and nice to her little one

Just Ducky said...

Can't wait to see the kittens. Less than a week. I still say you should have them next Monday. That way they can share mum's purrthday.

The Misadventures Of Me said...

Hello Isis I's come to say hi. I visited today from da bridge acuz I heards you had more kits on the way. I shall has to peek and see whens they is borns. So if you smells a new smell nears, it is just me's sending good wishes fer yous and da kits.


Donny and Marie and Casey said...

Oh Isis! We just found out that my mommy is being called into the hospital to be "induced". She says it means that our blurpy lil sis will be here VERY soon...could be sooner that your kittens!

Everything's changed!!!

Isis, I love your pregnant belly, it is way sleeker and prettier than our mommy's belly - which is wayyyyy big!


Black Cat said...

What a lovely belly shot! Can't wait to see the lil kitties! Gosh, seems like a race between you and Marie's Mummy - I hope all's well with her; I'm wondering why they want to induce her. :) xxx

Peggy's Place said...

We got a Valentine for you. You can pick it up here:

Isis said...

what a great belly shot!

Victor Tabbycat said...

Awmost time! At Mom's werk, there's been 2 new babies an one comin today or tomorrow an anofur in April an yet ANOFUR in August! Dey only gots 50 people. Two werk der an the rest are wives.

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Oh Isis darling....please forgive a daft old cat like myself. I have been a horrid lady in waiting to you during this time of ickle kitten belly growing. I can only say that you are the first cat to know that Mickey the Black cat has asked for my old paw in marriage today on Valentine's day!!
I am all befuddled and can not think straight.....
I only hope your kittens come today...what a wonderful day to be born!
All my adoring love...your Peach

Just Ducky said...

Happy Valentine's Day, have the kittens appeared?

Quasi said...

That's quite a belly! I'll look forward to seeing the new little ones.

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

I love your belly shot~!
That is really great~~
I hope you could get more rest!!

Nina Torbie said...

Oh, Isis, I just read about Dan Dare. I'm so sorry! We're still waiting to see the stork leaving your home!

One of mom's coworkers had a little blurpy girl on Valentine's Day. Only 1 baby, but much bigger than a little kitten!
Purrs and nervous licks,

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Isis darling....what are you doing? Are you in labor with the ickle kittens yet! The date came and we have no word. I am on pins and needles right now because I have some wonderful other mews to tell you! MICKEY AND I ARE ENGAGED!!! He asked me on Valentine's day!!! My life is complete....and I am so happy.
I have so much to attend brain is swimming. My thoughts now are for you and a hopeful blessed event to happen soon. All my love your Miss Peach

The Meezers or Billy said...

just checking to see if there's little babies yet!