Monday, 23 February 2009

Mommycat Monday...

Well as everykitty might have guessed, it's been a very busy week for me this past one, what with 3 new mouths to feed and all. Not forgetting my usual duties of cleaning out my brother Ramses' ears and squabbling with Tigmut'hep over food and toys, waking Mummy up and depositing furs on Daddy after work! To top it off D'boy has been home all week and Daddy was home for a few days too - they do it to mess with my schedule you know! ;) All the same I manged to get the kittens fed and groomed and did all my jobs too, even if the dropped bikky in the kitchen did have to wait for 2 days for me to catch up on my work. Honestly if only Ramses and Tigmut'hep had been bought up properly that job would not be necessary... *sigh*

So above is my little daughter LG, looking all sweet and angelic for the camera. I have already told her that looking innocent and sweet will get her a long way in this life! ;) However Boy doesn't seem to have taken this on board at all and is constantly caught getting into mischief, mostly down to his insistence that he gets to sleep on top of or in the middle of his sisters and has the right to pull them off what ever nipple they happen to have latched onto if he feels like testing that one for a bit... All in all I'm starting to suspect that he's the trouble maker of the litter. BG is the strong silent type at present, happy just to suckle and sleep, so I wonder if my daughters will ever manage to keep their brother in line...

As you see right now they let Boy walk all over them! ;) However, I have to admit he does look funny having fallen asleep while attempting to get in the middle of his sisters for added warmth! :)

Oh and they've now all doubled their birth weight, so are doing better than their half-siblings did last year. Some of them took up to 9 days to double their birth weight! Maybe I'm producing a better grade of milk this time round?! Maybe this litter are just greedier?! What ever the cause I'm happy they're doing so very well... :)


Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Dear Isis,

How lovely to see more photos of the little ones! I have been checking the kitten diary on the website every day too! The kittens all look adorable although I suspect you are right as far as the little boy is concerned. He does look like a bundle of mischief!

I am so impressed that you are managing to not just look after the little ones but also do so many other things. You are a Super-Aby, Isis!

Tama-Chan (Tommy says woof!)

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Oh, Isis, they are precious! We can't get The Mom to stop squeeing.

Hugs and purrs to the new little ones.

Cat with a Garden said...

Isis, all three of your kitten are extremely beautiful. It is great to hear that they already doubled their birth size!
Purrs, Siena & Chilli

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Oh they are adorable Isis! I am so glad they are doing well and thriving! What a wonderful Momma Cat you are!

Anonymous said...

Isis yoo has been doin a wonderful jobs wif dem kittehs. They is furry bootiful and handsome!

Daisy said...

Isis, I think practice makes perfect! You are raising them up real good. Being a momcat sounds like a hard job.

AB clan said...

Hard work to raise kittens Isis, but fun is coming...

ViVi & AB

The Island Cats said...

Awww...your babies are so cute! And a mother's work is never done!

Just Ducky said...

Sweet Isis the babies look wonderful and mum is all purry at them in her honorary Aunt capacity. You only have three mouths to feed, so maybe they are getting more food per kitten than dividing it by four.

Donny and Marie and Casey said...

So cute - congrats Isis!

~Marie, Donny and Casey

The Meezers or Billy said...

they are very beautiful Isis!

Shaggy and Scout said...

Well, there's fewer babies so that equals more milk to go around. I was an "only" so I got ALL of moms milk whenever I wanted it and never had to get pushed away by a greedy sibling! They are very pretty!! -Scout

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

My dearest Isis! What a wonderful bunch of ickle kittens you have in your cozy nest this time round! I am sure they keep you busy day and night. By the time my wedding day arrives sometime in May I am sure you might find a free moment to come and attend me as one of my bridesmaids? Please say yes and I would be so delighted to know you will stand beside me....
All my love your Miss Peach

Black Cat said...

Oh Isis, they are gorgeous! :) xxx

Isis said...

your babies are so cute! wow !

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Isis, I am so happy that you have three adorrrrrable kittiens. They do look very very happy.
purrrs and love to all of you