Oh well it makes a change from my needing a "Candy Stripe" outfit while I work around the clock to make all the family feel better. It seems my tireless devotion as worked wonders and D'boy made it back to school yesterday and today even Daddy managed to leave his sickbed and get back to work - although the vet has put him on yucky steroids until his asthma stops playing up as a result of this nasty case of manflu... Mummy is ok too, even though she had to go and have some of her bloods stolen at the vets this morning before breakfast - though I'm sure if I play my cards right I can have her back in bed for a cuddle soon! ;) I bet Ramses will help me arrange this if I ask nicely... :)
Dearest Isis,
I so love the days on which you post! You have been such a wonderful and devoted nurse to your whole human family. Well done! They doubtless realise that this deserves lots of extra cuddles and other good things.
Now, as to your new look... Although I do agree that the hair colour is rather a good match, I am not sure I would really enjoy having you look like an Aby-Yorkie mix... You are so lovely just as you are, so perfectly perfect. How could that possibly be improved on?
Your Devoted Boyfriend,
Isis, that is a pretty pikshur of you, howefur, you are more than exceptionally beautiful "au natural". We're just sayin.....
I'm getting quite a Julie Newmar vibe off this picture!
Isis, you look beautiful!
I think you are doing a great job as a nurse. And you loo nice, although I like your basic look you know.
You certainly have your paws full with all those nursing duties. You are a supermodel just as you are, you don't really need any enhancement.
You sure lead a very busy life! I think you do look actually rather lovely with the long fur but I too prefer you au natural.
Isis, you are a pretty girl and I love your hairs. What fun it is being a girl!
Yoo look mahvelous but we fink yer natural furrs is much prettier!
Your makeover is lovely, Isis, but you are a natural beauty. Sending healing purrs to everyone in your family!
Oah Isis~!
You are so so beautiful~!!!
Oh heavens I almost thought I came to the wrong blog!!! Isis you are all grown uplooking like a bean kitty! You will attract the man kitties for sure....what will your devoted Sen-Chan think about this?
Sending you so much love from the colonies...your Miss Peach
PS: Big hugs to Tig and Ramses
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