Monday, 19 January 2009

Mummycat Monday...

Well my belly is growing and I've gained a whole 200g's since last Mummycat Monday, so things are going well here and I'm exceedingly content! :)

Yesterday Mummy cooked us a lovely roast chicken, which we shared with the family (after all we're very civilized and considerate cats), I must admit that my brother Ramses did scoff rather a lot of this, but I certainly got a good portion of it too! :) Today Mummy is making a pie full of shepherds I gather, I'm a little concerned about this as I'm pretty sure I've never eaten a shepherd before now - but I'm sure they'll be lovely and tender by the time Mummy's finished with them and hopefully I'll get to test a little of the meat along with my usual dinner... ;) I guess there must be good eating on a shepherd as she says the pie will be big enough to feed the family for 2 days!

Other than that the weekend bought us some much warmer weather than we've had for months, so we all got to go and play in the run for a little while. I hear it will rain today and maybe snow in places, so I guess it's back to the cold again... However it was so nice to have a break in the cold and to be able to have a good sniff of that squirrel at last! He's mighty daring you know and will even come along the fence behind the black bamboo while I'm in the run looking at him if there are peanuts on the bird table... Hopefully he'll eat so many of these that he won't be able to run soon and then I can catch him and play with him for a bit - he looks much more fun than Ramses catnip squirrel and I must say he smells much more interesting too! ;) Though if this plan fails one of Mummy's friends has promised to let us have any bunnies he has going spare when he goes hunting. It is a very long time since we all had fresh bunny... Look I wouldn't want to eat a cute pet one, just a wild one that's become a pest and has been culled - I mean why let good bunny go to waist?! It's just a shame there is no such sport as wild chicken hunting, as I believe my dear brother Ramses would be very keen on that! ;)


Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Dear isis,

We are delighted to hear that you are gaining weight and are feeling content. We are sure that Sen-Chan is keeping an eye on you from the Bridge.

We'll be keen to find out how good the shepherds taste!

Your Friends,
Tommy and Tama-Chan

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Sounds like things are coming along well for you and the wee kits to be.

Enjoy the Shepherd. Sounds yummy!!

Purrs Goldie, Shade and Banshee

AB clan said...

No chicken hnting allowed here...
But one of our favorite meat...
ViVi & AB

The Meezers or Billy said...

we are glad that you are healthy and happy with your kitties growing in you. we can't wait to see them.

LZ said...

Let us know how that pie tastes! I'm always on the look out for squirrel pie so I'll let you know if that ever works out.


Lux said...

It's good to hear that everything's going well with your baby belly. :)

All that talk of food - I feel faint!

Anonymous said...

Shepards baked? hmmm do they taste like chick hen?

We wud love to see a piccy of yer gorgeous belleh Isis.

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Dearest Isis...I pray you are feeling well dear friend. Your ickle kittens are about four weeks away...a valentines of the sweetest kind. I wish I am more of a better lady in waiting to you this time. I seem to spend all day sleeping and when I am awake I scream for food!
I will come to fluff your pillows and massage your paws before I go tonight. Oh and I brought you tis pot of catmint tea and some warm fresh baked tuna muffins....though your shepards pie sound me a slice please....
Your lazy lady in waiting ....Peach

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

lissin ...
mi brudder mickey iz gainin wate.
do u think he'z pregnant?
jus wunderin.