It's been a very free week for me here as D'boy's been off visiting Yao-lin's Island, so I've had more Mummy time - especially since Mummy has a sore left shoulder from a big needle being poked in it! She's had to take more rest and relaxing time and she has therefore needed her feet slept on more than normal. This is a job that only I can do properly as Tigmut'hep is so heavy that he cuts off the blood supply to her feet when he tried and my half-brother Ramses is a fidget bottom! ;) I on the other hand have a nicely shaped bottom and don't fidget all the time, so Mummy can almost forget I'm there and really relax properly... :)
This skill of mine is appreciated by the boy cats here as it means that since I'm being good and sleeping quietly on Mummy's feet that they have to be let into the bedroom so that I could get out if I needed to use the kitty litter in the night! Oh yes my sweet ladlylike way of getting my own patch of bed means that even Tigmut'hep is starting to appreciate me more fully and he's only really ever appreciated catnip and a full foood bowl before! ;)
The other great thing that's happened here this week is that the pretty "Candy Cat" catnip plant has been in flower for the first time! This is definatly the sort of 'nip for a ladycat, it's just so pretty! :)

The only downside to this week has been hearing that my Grandmakitty on my Mommacat's side of the family, passed away from cancer at the age of 11 yrs. I knew her well as she lived with me, my sister Mynx, Mommacat "Candy" and Grandmakitty "Bella" as well as big sister Fantasy and lots of my other relatives too until I got big and left home to live with my half-brother Ramses, the grumper Tigmut'hep as well as Mummy, Daddy and D'boy. So having extra Mummy toe snuggle time has been extra special as I've been a little sad about Grandmakitty and knowing that my breeders would be very, very sad as they had been there for Grandmakitty since the day she was born right to the very end... They've had a pretty rough year in fact as this is the 3rd cat they have lost in just about 6 months, one other being my Great, Great Grandpakitty "Buck" at 2 weeks short of his 17th Birthday. The other was my cousin "Vinny" who was born with heart trouble and so who'd stayed with them too and been nursed for close to 3 yrs - it was amazing since the vets didn't think he'd live for more than a few months given his condition...