Here's my sweet little daughter Delta Peach for
Miss Peach as she's celebrating her 1st Blog Anniversary. Hasn't she grown into a little beauty, just like her namesake! :) She's such a sweety too and loves to cuddle and is nearly as passionate about all things milky as me, so much so that I occasionally have to point out her age when she starts looking at the milk bar all hopeful like! ;)
Other than that we've had some really sad news that our lovely friend
Bonnie Underfoot has passed over the Rainbow Bridge. It seems her little heart just gave out and it's been a dreadful shock to her loving family as it was very much unexpected... Our thoughts are therefore with them and Victor who will be lost without his lovely grumpy Bonnie to thwap him and keep him in his place!
Delta certainlys is getting to be furry big and a very cute kit (just likes her mum).
Delta Peach is beautiful, just like her mom and her namesake. :)
We are sad that Bonnie has gone to the Bridge. :(
Delta is beautiful...just like her namesake!!!
We just heard this morning about Bonnie. Our heartfelt purrs go out to her family.
Delta is a real sweetie for sure!
It is very sad about Bonnie. Our purrs go out to the whole family.
Delta is beautiful!
I was very saddened to learn the news about Bonnie, too. It was so unexpected.
What a beautiful tiny lady she is. I don't blame her for liking milk, its TASTY!!! ((((hugs))) to your whole family. Reading your posts always puts a smile on our faces and makes us wish we lived in the UK!
(((Hugs))) to Isis, all your kittens and other at your house. We are having a Holiday of Hugs to honor Bonnie.
Delta Peach is very striking and so beautiful!!!! Just like my Sweetie Miss Peach ;) She will be a heartbreaker !!
We are so very sad about Bonnie. It is never easy to lose a cat and a great friend !
Purrs Mickey
(((((HUGSSSSS))))) from all the Taylor CatSSSSS!
Oh my beloved little Isis! What a wonderful daughter you have bron into this world. She nearly eclipses your beauty...look at that shimmery fur...oh she will win many awards and break the hearts of mencats near and far!
It was so lovely to see you and ramses yesterday on my special day! Thank you ever so much for coming.
What comforting words you sahe for our dear Bonnie...how suddenly she left us all. So sad for her family and for Victor.
Much much love from your Miss Peach and soft hugs in her memory...
Delta Peach is a really beauty just like her namesake. Sad news about Bonnie, another friend at the rainbow bridge waiting for us.
aww thats so sad to hear that!
Oh my Delta Peach is truly a royal little girl - she is beautiful! You must be very pleased! T.
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