Firstly there's the kittens names and exactly what they mean:
Boy is El Zehuti, Zehuti is one of the many names of the Egyptian god Thoth. He's a born mediator who is calm in any situation!
BG is Et Seti-Ra, from the Egyptian god of storms, Set, and his companion Ra the sun god. In addition to this SeTiRa is Hebrew for contradiction, coming from the same root as the word SeTeR, meaning hidden secret. So while both the gods little Setra is named for are depicted as male, together they become contradictory and form a female name that we like to think of as our “little bit of sunshine after the storm”. On top of this as many of you know Storm was an amazing ladycat who battled lymphoma not just once but twice! We were greatly touched by her story... Since our human family has been deeply effected in the past few years by cancer, Daddy loosing his father to it and Mummy's Mum battling it at present I thought we could do with some brightness to help keep things in purrspective! :)
LG is Enta Omri, named for a beautiful Egyptian love song meaning "You are my life" famously sung by the amazing Uum Kulthum, who at her peak could sing from the 2nd octive all the way to somewhere between the 7th and 8th octives! This seems most apt as little Enta would scream higher and louder than any kitten of mine to date, right from a few days old! ;) She is also the sweetest and most loving of little girly cats... :)
Now for the big news:
Setra will be staying with us here and coming out to shows with me and then going on to have kittens of her own when she is big enough and old enough to do so! :) Yes that's right my kitty friends, you will be able to watch Setra grow up in front of your eyes via my bloggy - now isn't that going to be fun!? :)